Tuesday 4 December 2018



Friday 16 November 2018


Last Friday we, Kowhai and Rimu went on a trip out of school to Titirangi hill, Kaiti. Turanga Health taught us about many things there in Kaiti; like James Cook, the three rivers and many more. Along with the three rivers were three waka. Because the trip was last week, I can't remember the names properly. (Though our Teachers might.) 

We learn quite a bit about James and Nicholas young, the captain and the boy who spotted Gisborne, NZ, resulting in a reward of a barrel of rum. Not so good for his age if you ask me. 

Tuesday 6 November 2018


Today I worked on Smart Surfing.
I learnt that CAPTAIN Cook was killed by Hawaiians and buried in Hawaii.
I found it hard to get Google to understand my (boring) voice.
I found it easy to screenshot the pictures.
Next time I need to be alone for once in my lifetime.
This blog post shows I am a Stepping Up blogger.

Friday 26 October 2018

Little House On The Prairie

Today, Thursday, we just finished reading Little house on the prairie. The story itself was pretty interesting, but the Ingalls' family (The protagonists of the story) went through quite a lot of unlucky events. Examples; their dog nearly drowned at the start of the book, their property on the prairie almost caught on fire and burnt down, they were close to being killed by the Indians and much more. 

The ending though, it wasn't the best. Although the 179 paged book FINALLY ended, it left us on a boring cliffhanger. For example I thought that it would end off with a plot twist, like Mr. Scott and or Mr. Edwards would turn on the Ingalls'. Michael thought the Indians were following them, then would shoot them. Honestly, it could've been a decent ending.

BUT, we haven't seen the TV series yet..

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Seeking Help

We were learning about seeking help when things go wrong online. Today I learnt how to be an up stander against cyber bullies
I found it easy to hear and watch the videos that were displayed
I found it hard to think of four ways to "Seek help" in my own words
I really enjoyed our competition to see who would send a screenshot to the teacher first
Next time I need to focus on my work other than discussing with friends
My Blog Post shows I am a Stepping Up blogger

Friday 19 October 2018

Mike Dawson @ our school

Today Mike Dawson, a canoeist from the Rio Olympics 2016, visited our school. He came to tell us about his trip(s) around the world to compete in different kayak races, values, and other stories of his experiences.
 He went from competition, to respect, and lastly the Q n' A's. He told us about representing New Zealand in Rio De Janeiro, and how much of a competition it was. After talking about himself in the Olympics, we then proceeded to perform a haka for him. 
Finally, we took a photo on the junior's playground altogether and went back to class.

Tuesday 16 October 2018


We were learning about Netiquette. I learnt that arguments online are known as "Flame wars".
I found it easy to copy and paste my work into this blog post.
I found it hard to keep up with the timer. (And to finish the character.)
I really enjoyed thinking of sentences to use for the DO's and DON'Ts.
Next time I need to finish off something quicker. (The actual drawing.)
My Blog Post shows I am a Beginner / Stepping Up / Smart Learner

Friday 21 September 2018


This week I learnt how to code, construct, wire, electric engineer and more. What we were supposed to do was make a robot, but it didn't come out as planned. 

I felt challenged because of the amount of technical difficulties we had in the process of making the "Robot". First the Microbit wouldn't download the finishing coding, second one of tires gave up on us so we needed to figure out how to fix it, thirdly the screwdrivers BARELY worked, fourthly we were the only group in the first room without any help so we struggled really bad, fifthly as soon we walked into the room everyone was in, basically everyone was finished. Sixth, our design for the product was trash because we were winging it, seventh we were running out of time so our "product" was just a raft with a flag a fishing rod and no technology with it, and finally, for the eighth difficulty we finished off with a raft and a smacker 2,000. No technology was included and that was the goal.

I can improve this by getting materials from a place other than a second hand shop. Either way, I would've done better if I didn't work with Michael and Kayden (Maybe).

Luckily, I'm not embarrassed.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

How To Stand Up

This is a doc I made for our instructional writing pieces. It may be easy but my mind was blank at the moment so that's why it's simple!

Friday 10 August 2018

Reflection on the first week of Term 3

This week we've been reading a new book for our chapter chat: The Little House On The Prairie. It's about a family who moved out of their cabin, and ride a middle-sized wagon in the open. (I think it's because they're finding a new house? I can't remember why they moved) Further in the story, they come across a creek and attempt to swim in it (Which isn't really smart) to get to the other side. 

Suddenly, something goes wrong and the wagon starts tossing and turning, causing the father to get out to keep the horses going and their heads high. Eventually, they get out of the creek and continue on their 'journey'. 

A few things I'm looking forwards to this term are: Speeches. Although I have a lack of confidence, It's something I want to get over and done with. Inter-schools sports. Something I actually can't wait for! The inter-school tournaments I'm REALLY looking forwards to competing are the soccer tournaments, there's two going on this term. Football Reps. 

Now, this one is very important. The 'Poverty Bay Football Reps Team' isn't just something you get into randomly. You've got to have the skills.  We only have a few games: Some here in Gisborne and the rest are everywhere else in the north island! (Sorry, I can't remember where the rest of the games were)

*There is no further information beyond here, I don't know what else is upcoming in the future (Sorry!!)

Tuesday 19 June 2018


My name is Cassidy. I come from Manutuke, Gisborne, New Zealand. I go to Te Hapara School. My culture is Cook Island-Maori. I have 3 sisters, 2 brothers, 2 dads (one is step), 2 nans, and a grandfather. 

I have a few talents; I’m able to speak Japanese, but not fluently. I’m an artist at a young age, I’m not confessing my age but I’m older than 10. I enjoy playing hockey, I play soccer too, but I’m not as good. Something I enjoy is drawing, especially when I’m on my own. It helps when I’m feeling annoyed. I’m good at writing, reading, spelling and maths. 

One thing I want to achieve is to get on the “Scholar of the year” board. In our school, we have a variety of boards that year sixes earn by their skills and personality. Someone who inspires me is my mother! She inspires me with her art and encourages me to keep on going with my drawings and paintings. Another person who inspires me is my hockey coach, (Phoenix Battin’s mother) because she encourages me to keep going with my skills in every game.

Monday 23 April 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends everywhere.