Thursday 6 June 2019

What we're doing in STEM

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics. During our first session, we started off  with microbits.

Image result for microbitNow that cooking is out of the way, we've moved onto STEM. 
There are these things called Microbits, and you're able to code music, pictures and words into them! Though sometimes while you're trying to code music it doesn't always work.... you might end up with a deafening screech.

(It's music to my ears)

So far that's all we've done in STEM,  and I can't wait for what's next :>

Thanks for reading!

What We've Done In Cooking Tech

About two weeks ago we had finished cooking tech, and are currently in STEM. In cooking we made various different foods or drinks, from fruit smoothies to fettuccine. Personally, my favorites were the stir fry, brownies and pudding with custard. 

We made other stuff like Griffins' Shrewsburry buscuits, but they didn't taste as nice from my point of view. 

Also, most of the stuff we had baked or cooked were healthy, so the lessons didn't make much of a problem for our wellbeing (p.s, I thought the vegetables were delicious.)

Once we've cooked the food and eaten it, we take the responsibility to clean it all up. For example, we open the cuboards under the sink to grab the cleaning spray and teatowel. During the clean up session, the four people in each group get a role. Duty, wash, dry and put away. Obviously we wash our dishes so that the "drier" and the "put away person" can do their jobs. 

As for the duty person, I'm pretty sure they observe and make sure everything is done right and is actually clean. Either that or they just help out with whatever.

Sorry for the large amount of writing, but I hope you enjoyed reading about our experience in cooking tech :>.