Tuesday 19 June 2018


My name is Cassidy. I come from Manutuke, Gisborne, New Zealand. I go to Te Hapara School. My culture is Cook Island-Maori. I have 3 sisters, 2 brothers, 2 dads (one is step), 2 nans, and a grandfather. 

I have a few talents; I’m able to speak Japanese, but not fluently. I’m an artist at a young age, I’m not confessing my age but I’m older than 10. I enjoy playing hockey, I play soccer too, but I’m not as good. Something I enjoy is drawing, especially when I’m on my own. It helps when I’m feeling annoyed. I’m good at writing, reading, spelling and maths. 

One thing I want to achieve is to get on the “Scholar of the year” board. In our school, we have a variety of boards that year sixes earn by their skills and personality. Someone who inspires me is my mother! She inspires me with her art and encourages me to keep on going with my drawings and paintings. Another person who inspires me is my hockey coach, (Phoenix Battin’s mother) because she encourages me to keep going with my skills in every game.