Tuesday 14 August 2018

How To Stand Up

This is a doc I made for our instructional writing pieces. It may be easy but my mind was blank at the moment so that's why it's simple!

Friday 10 August 2018

Reflection on the first week of Term 3

This week we've been reading a new book for our chapter chat: The Little House On The Prairie. It's about a family who moved out of their cabin, and ride a middle-sized wagon in the open. (I think it's because they're finding a new house? I can't remember why they moved) Further in the story, they come across a creek and attempt to swim in it (Which isn't really smart) to get to the other side. 

Suddenly, something goes wrong and the wagon starts tossing and turning, causing the father to get out to keep the horses going and their heads high. Eventually, they get out of the creek and continue on their 'journey'. 

A few things I'm looking forwards to this term are: Speeches. Although I have a lack of confidence, It's something I want to get over and done with. Inter-schools sports. Something I actually can't wait for! The inter-school tournaments I'm REALLY looking forwards to competing are the soccer tournaments, there's two going on this term. Football Reps. 

Now, this one is very important. The 'Poverty Bay Football Reps Team' isn't just something you get into randomly. You've got to have the skills.  We only have a few games: Some here in Gisborne and the rest are everywhere else in the north island! (Sorry, I can't remember where the rest of the games were)

*There is no further information beyond here, I don't know what else is upcoming in the future (Sorry!!)